Pine Chemicals Consulting Services is organizing in partnership with ARESB (the Brazilian Pine Tappers Association) the upcoming “2021 – 1° ENCONTRO VIRTUAL 3D BRASILEIRO DE PINE CHEMICALS”. Save the dates in your agenda: 6 – 8 July 2021, 8:00 – 18:00 Brazilian time. A three-day virtual meeting in Portuguese with translation into English, exhibitors, poster session, and networking space.
- First-day on PINE CHEMICALS global market update.
- Second-day about PINE TAPPING techniques.
- On the third day, we will cover the science of PINE TAPPING.
Full agenda and registering will be available in mid-March.
Alex CUNNINGHAM Ltda, ME, supplies consulting services on the PINE CHEMICALS business, and more specifically PINE TAPPING CONSULTING SERVICES to individual producers, private companies, and institutions, on topics related to the production of PINE OLEORESIN (CRUDE GUM), the tools and techniques utilized to produce it, its industrialization into GUM ROSIN and GUM TURPENTINE and the market of these products and their derivatives. Please feel free to contact us:
From January 1st, 2018, to December 1st, 2020, we acted as the President of the Pine Chemicals
Association International. Before this, from 2006 to 2017 we have supplied consulting services through the now-expired ARELDORADO.COM website.