Mission & Core Values


The Pine Chemicals Association International (PCA) is recognized as a global leader representing, supporting and advocating for the value of Pine Chemicals as bio-renewable and sustainable products. The association is a non-profit entity with members who are producers, processors, traders, and consumers of chemicals derived from pine trees, a renewable resource.


The PCA is:

  •  Valued by the industry for its unique “user-friendly” Pine Chemicals conferences and symposiums, which provide exceptional networking opportunities and current industry informational presentations.
  • The monitor of regulatory and legislative issues impacting the global Pine Chemicals industry acting independently or in collaboration with other associations and groups to address critical issues.
  • The global resource for developing and maintaining ASTM, ISO and PCA test standards required for Pine Chemicals international commerce.
  •  Recognized as an educational and informational source for Pine Chemicals raw material production technology, industry statistics and process safety guidelines.
  •  Known and recognized for its culture of strict adherence to the code of ethics and policies of anti-trust compliance.

Ethical Principles of the Pine Chemicals Association

The following statement of ethical principles is established for the purpose of guiding the conduct of all PCA members and supporting the PCA’s commitment to fairness in business relationships.

Membership in the PCA constitutes a commitment by each member to use its best efforts: 

  • To support the purposes of the PCA as set forth in its Mission and Vision Statements.
  • To observe the highest level of integrity when acting on behalf of the PCA, representing the best interests of the association over individual interests.
  • To respect and comply with applicable local laws and regulations where such member organization operates (as well as international treaties and agreements to which the country of operation is a signatory).
  • To maintain and enhance the safety and well-being of workers. To encourage environmental stewardship and sustainable forestry practices.
  • To comply with applicable antitrust and competition laws at all PCA-related meetings and events, refraining from any discussions of competitively sensitive topics, including but not limited to, local, regional or international prices or pricing strategies.