Important Event Disclaimers

  • Right to cancel, modify; Force Majeure: The event sponsors reserve the right to cancel, modify, or suspend the event or any element thereof, for any reason, including availability of facilities and any force majeure event such as an act of God, hurricane, war, fire, riot, earthquake, terrorism, act of public enemies, actions of governmental authorities outside of the control of Sponsor.

  • Other expenses: All meals not identified in our event agenda, taxes, gratuities, insurance, incidentals (including mini-bar and entertainment expenses), phone charges, transportation not outlined in the event agenda, and other expenses not specifically outlined in the event agenda are your sole responsibility.

  • Waiver and Release: Indemnification. You acknowledge that there are risks of personal injury, illness and possible loss of life, and risks of damage to or loss of personal property, which may result from participating in this event. You voluntarily assume these risks. As a condition of participation, you, on behalf of yourself and your successors, heirs and assigns, and any else claiming under you, hereby completely, irrevocably and unconditionally release and discharge Pine Chemicals Association International, other sponsors of the event, and their affiliated companies, vendors, advertising, promotion and public relation agencies, co-sponsoring companies and their affiliates and agencies, and all officers, directors, employees and agents of the aforesaid entities (collectively, the “Released Parties”), from any and all claims and costs, including attorney’s fees, relating to, arising from or in connection with participation in the event and travel related to the same. Where the foregoing Release may be limited by applicable law, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Released Parties from all claims, losses, damages, actions and liability associated with your participation in the event. This Waiver and Release shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent possible under applicable law.

  • Recording consent: This is a networking event for which of videography and photography are necessary to the conduct of the event, including access to the presentations and other activities for distribution to those who were unable to attend and can only participate and network by viewing a recording of the event at a later date. In addition, video and sound recording and still photography, including but not limited to crowd shots, group videos and photographs and video and still photography of attendees, speakers and sponsors are essential to the activities of the speakers and sponsors and may be a condition of their participation.  You agree and consent that your likeness may be captured in still photo, video, digital photography and other means and may be used across our programs and applications and displayed paper handouts at our events. I grant Pine Chemicals Association International and the sponsor of this event explicit permission, to use my name and likeness in photographs, video and/or or other digital and hard copy recordings, broadcasts and/or image preservation in digital or paper‐based reproductions, in any and all of its applications, sites and publications, without payment or any other consideration, and explicitly waive any and all royalties and any and all other forms of compensation. I also, by indicating “I consent” in the box below, release, hold harmless and indemnify Pine Chemicals Association International and the sponsor of this event from any and all liability under any theory of law or equity related to use and/or dissemination of my name, likeness and/or image.

  • Code of Conduct: Pine Chemicals Association International expects all attendees to operate with professionalism and respect for others. We reserve the right to expel participants from the event for exhibiting unprofessional or disruptive behavior, and may not permit you to attend any future events.